C-SPAN Radio Schedule

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March 22, 2024

  • Washington Journal: 03/22/2024Live

  • Washington Journal: Rep. Bruce Westerman

  • House Freedom Caucus Holds News Conference on Budget

  • U.S. House of Representatives: 03/22/2024

  • Hearing on DC Crime & Congressional Operations

  • U.S. Senate: U.S. Sen. Chuck Schumer D-NY

  • U.S. Senate: U.S. Sen. Mitch McConnell R-KY

  • Secretary Blinken Speaks to Reporters in Israel

  • Washington Journal: Open Phones

  • Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene on Motion to Vacate

  • U.S. Senate: 03/22/2024

  • U.N. Security Council Debates Israel-Hamas Ceasefire Resolution

  • U.S. Senate: 03/22/2024

  • Washington TodayLive

  • Washington Today

  • Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene on Motion to Vacate

  • Secretary Blinken Speaks to Reporters in Israel

  • After Words

  • Rachel Bitecofer, "Hit 'Em Where It Hurts - How to Save Democracy by Beating Republicans at Their Own Game"

  • Col. Gregory Gadson & Terese Schlachter, "Finding Waypoints"

  • Laura Pappano, "School Moms - Parent Activism, Partisan Politics, and the Battle for Public Education"

  • Frederick Hess & Michael McShane, "Getting Education Right"

  • Book TV

  • Philip Howard, "Everyday Freedom"

  • Rachel Bitecofer, "Hit 'Em Where It Hurts - How to Save Democracy by Beating Republicans at Their Own Game"

  • Laura Pappano, "School Moms - Parent Activism, Partisan Politics, and the Battle for Public Education"

  • Frederick Hess & Michael McShane, "Getting Education Right"

  • Book TV