C-SPAN TV Schedule

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July 25, 2020

  • Washington Journal: 07/25/2020

  • U.S. House of Representatives: Removal of Certain Statues and Busts from Capitol

  • Memorial Service for Rep. John Lewis 1940-2020

  • Washington Journal: Walter Olson

  • Sen. Marco Rubio on Coronavirus Pandemic

  • President Presents Presidential Medal of Freedom to Jim Ryun

  • Hearing on Reopening Schools During a Pandemic

  • U.S. House of Representatives: Lewis Tributes

  • Rev. C.T. Vivian Funeral Service

  • Democratic Weekly Address

  • The Communicators: Rep. Greg Walden R-OR Energy & Commerce Coummittee Ranking Member

  • Texas Gov. Abbott Provides Update on Hurricane Hanna

  • U.S. House of Representatives: Hoyer & Scalise on Next Week's Schedule

  • Memorial Service for Rep. John Lewis 1940-2020

  • Campaign 2020: Joe Biden in Conversation with Former President Obama

  • Campaign 2020: Jill Biden Holds Virtual Roundtable With Texas Leaders

  • Democratic Weekly Address

  • Campaign 2020: Evangelicals for Trump Event in Alpharetta, GA

  • Memorial Service for Rep. John Lewis 1940-2020

  • Campaign 2020: Joe Biden in Conversation with Former President Obama

  • Campaign 2020: Jill Biden Holds Virtual Roundtable With Texas Leaders

  • Democratic Weekly Address

  • Confirmation Hearing for Director of National Counterterrorism Center

  • Senate Hearing on COVID-19 Scams

  • Memorial Service for Rep. John Lewis 1940-2020