C-SPAN 3 TV Schedule

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July 25, 2020

  • Landmark Cases: Supreme Court Landmark Case Brandenburg v. Ohio

  • Lectures in History: Federal Surveillance & Civil Rights

  • Reel America: "World Charter Signed" - 1945

  • Reel America: "Combat Bulletin No. 65" - July 1945

  • Oral Histories: Korean Veteran Joseph Lewis Grappo

  • Presidential Descendants

  • American Artifacts: Fort Monroe Casemate Museum

  • Reel America: "Victory Garden" - 1942

  • FDR, Truman and the Atomic Bomb

  • Ronald Reagan Reader's Digest Interview

  • Ronald Reagan BBC Interview

  • Nazi Germany & the Western Front

  • George and Barbara Bush Honeymoon Film

  • Oral Histories: Korean Veteran Joseph Lewis Grappo

  • History Bookshelf: DaMaris Hill, "A Bound Woman Is a Dangerous Thing"

  • Women's Roles in World War I

  • Reel America: Universal Newsreel July 3, 1958

  • The Civil War: Harold Holzer on Civil War Objects

  • "Mrs. Roosevelt - Her Life in Pictures"

  • Eleanor Roosevelt's Advice Column

  • Lectures in History: Modern Conservative Movement

  • Rufus Edmisten & Richard Nixon's Impeachment

  • Reel America: "Mob and Riot Control" - 1964

  • Reel America: "A Great and Honorable Duty" - 1965

  • Reel America: "Tear Gas in Law Enforcement" - 1962

  • Reel America: "Use of Force Model" - 1993

  • American Artifacts: World War II Soviet Army

  • Lectures in History: Modern Conservative Movement

  • Route 66 in Amarillo

  • History Bookshelf: DaMaris Hill, "A Bound Woman Is a Dangerous Thing"

  • Women's Roles in World War I

  • Reel America: Universal Newsreel - Death of WWI Veteran Sgt. Alvin York

  • The Civil War: Harold Holzer on Civil War Objects

  • "Mrs. Roosevelt - Her Life in Pictures"

  • Eleanor Roosevelt's Advice Column

  • Lectures in History: Modern Conservative Movement