C-SPAN 2 TV Schedule

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July 25, 2020

  • Senate Hearing on Integrity of College Athletics

  • Washington Journal: Zach Cohen

  • Mark Blyth, "Angrynomics"

  • Erica Barnett, "Quitter"

  • William Perry and Tom Collina, "The Button"

  • Calvin Baker, "A More Perfect Reunion"

  • Discussion on the Future of Book Publishing

  • Newt Gingrich, "Trump and the American Future"

  • Peniel Joseph, "The Sword and the Shield"

  • Michael Auslin, "Asia's New Geopolitics"

  • Jacob Soboroff, "Separated"

  • William Davidow & Michael Malone, "The Autonomous Revolution"

  • Tiffany Shlain, "24/6"

  • Author Discussion on Mary Washington

  • After Words: President Jimmy Carter, "White House Diary," Doug Brinkley host

  • President George H.W. Bush, "All the Best, George Bush"

  • President Bill Clinton, "My Life"

  • SC 'President George W. Bush, "Decision Points"

  • President Barack Obama, "Dreams From My Father"

  • Justin Tosi and Brandon Warmke, "Grandstanding"

  • Dr. Danielle Ofri, "When We Do Harm"

  • Sen. Joni Ernst R-IA, "Daughter of the Heartland"

  • Rep. Eric Swalwell D-CA, "Endgame"

  • Michael Auslin, "Asia's New Geopolitics"

  • Author Discussion on Immigration Enforcement