C-SPAN 2 TV Schedule

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October 10, 2020

  • Campaign 2020: New Jersey 2nd District U.S. House Debate

  • Campaign 2020: New Mexico 2nd District U.S. House Debate

  • Speaker Pelosi Unveils Legislation to Create Presidential Capacity Commission

  • Daniel Yergin, "The New Map"

  • In Depth: Jill Lepore

  • P.J. O'Rourke, "A Cry from the Far Middle"

  • Mychal Denzel Smith, "Stakes is High"

  • Rebecca Lissner and Mira Rapp-Hooper, "An Open World"

  • Carter Page, "Abuse and Power"

  • Susan Berfield, "The Hour of Fate"

  • Kerri Arsenault, "Mill Town"

  • Thomas Levenson, "Money for Nothing"

  • National Book Festival - Ann Druyan, "Cosmos"

  • Terry Virts, "How to Astronaut"

  • National Book Festival - Jason Reynolds, "Stamped"

  • Eric Jay Dolin, "A Furious Sky"

  • Maria Hinojosa, "Once I Was You"

  • Donald Trump Jr., "Liberal Privilege"

  • After Words: John Brennan, "Undaunted - My Fight Against America's Enemies, At Home and Abroad"

  • Lynne Cheney, "The Virginia Dynasty"

  • Author Discussion on the Future of Saudi Arabia

  • National Book Festival - Richard Haass, "The World"

  • What Are You Reading with Sen. Shelley Moore Capito R-WV

  • Eddie Cole, "The Campus Color Line"

  • Jennet Conant, "The Great Secret"

  • The Communicators: Reed Hastings & Erin Meyer, "No Rules Rules"

  • Susan Eisenhower, "How Ike Led"

  • National Book Festival - Robert Gates, "Exercise of Power"

  • Stephen Farnsworth, "Late Night with Trump"