C-SPAN Radio Schedule

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October 10, 2020

  • Washington Journal: 10/10/2020Live

  • In Depth: Jill Lepore

  • House Hearing on Voting Rights & Misinformation

  • American Enterprise Institute Discussion on Economic Populism

  • Campaign 2020: President Trump Delivers Remarks from the White House

  • House Oversight Hearing on the IRS Amid the Coronavirus Pandemic

  • Washington Journal: Amesh Adalja

  • Louisiana Gov. Edwards Provides Hurricane Delta Response Update

  • Campaign 2020: Joe Biden Campaigns in Erie, PA

  • Radio Special: Nixon SCOTUS Nominations

  • Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer Discusses Role of the Court

  • Campaign 2020: South Carolina U.S. Senate Debate

  • Campaign 2020: Texas U.S. Senate Debate

  • Washington Journal: David Shimer

  • Presidential Debates: 1976 Presidential Debate - Jimmy Carter & President Ford

  • James Copland, "The Unelected"

  • Michael Schmidt, "Donald Trump vs. The United States"

  • Lisa Selin Davis, "Tomboy"

  • Virtual National Book Festival

  • What Are You Reading with Rep. Gerald Connolly D-VA

  • VIRTUAL Robert Zoellick, "America in the World"

  • Katherine Gehl and Michael Porter, "The Politics Industry"

  • What Are You Reading with Rep. Gerald Connolly D-VA

  • W. Joseph Campbell, "Lost in a Gallup"