C-SPAN 3 TV Schedule

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October 10, 2020

  • 1916 Election & Foreign Policy

  • Origins of Woodrow Wilson's Foreign Policy

  • Reel America: "Initial Attack - Fire!" - 1979

  • Reel America: "The Fires of 1910"

  • Reel America: "Little Smokey" - 1953

  • Reel America: "Your Fire Department" - 1949

  • End of World War II 75th Anniversary

  • American Artifacts: Arlington National Cemetery 1915 Memorabilia Box

  • Presidential Debates: 1984 Vice Presidential Debate - Bush v. Ferraro

  • Thomas Jefferson & George Washington

  • Thomas Jefferson's Papers

  • Reel America: "Angels in Paradise, Development of the U-2 at Area 51" - 1960

  • Nazi Persecution & Murder of the Disabled

  • "Suffrage - Women's Long Battle for the Vote"

  • History Bookshelf: Kasey Pipes, "After the Fall"

  • Pilgrims and Liberty

  • The Civil War: Union Gen. George Sears Greene at Gettysburg

  • George H.W. Bush Memorial Exhibit

  • Life of Hollywood Artist Milicent Patrick

  • Lectures in History: Lewis and Clark Expedition

  • History of UNC

  • The Capture of Nazi War Criminal Adolf Eichmann

  • Reel America: "Eight Flags for 99 Cents" - 1970

  • Reel America: "Vietnam! Vietnam!" - 1971

  • Reel America: "Assignment Washington, The Correspondent Marino de Medici" - 1977

  • Lectures in History: Lewis and Clark Expedition

  • The Capture of Nazi War Criminal Adolf Eichmann

  • History Bookshelf: Kasey Pipes, "After the Fall"

  • Pilgrims and Liberty

  • The Civil War: Union Gen. George Sears Greene at Gettysburg

  • Reel America: "The Nixon-Lodge Ticket" July 28, 1960 Newsreel

  • Life of Hollywood Artist Milicent Patrick

  • Lectures in History: Lewis and Clark Expedition

  • Reel America: "Assignment Washington, The Correspondent Marino de Medici" - 1977