C-SPAN Radio Schedule

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June 29, 2020

  • Washington Journal: 06/29/2020Live

  • Bill & Melinda Gates Discussion on COVID-19

  • Washington Journal: 06/29/2020Live

  • Vice President Pence in Dallas, TX

  • Washington Journal: Daniel Gerstein

  • U.S. House of Representatives: 06/29/2020

  • Hearing on Incident with U.S.Park Police & Protesters

  • White House Press Secretary Holds Briefing

  • House Democratic Leaders Hold Briefing

  • The Center for Reproductive Rights Media Call on June Medical Services v. Russo

  • U.S. Senate: Sen. McConnell on Coronavirus

  • U.S. Senate: Sen. Schumer on SCOTUS & Russian Bounties

  • White House Press Secretary Holds Briefing

  • Washington TodayLive

  • Washington Today

  • California Gov. Newsom Holds a Coronavirus Briefing

  • Arizona Gov. Ducey Holds Coronavirus Briefing

  • Washington Today

  • Washington Today

  • U.S. House of Representatives: 06/29/2020

  • Hearing on Incident with U.S.Park Police & Protesters

  • White House Press Secretary Holds Briefing

  • House Democratic Leaders Hold Briefing

  • The Center for Reproductive Rights Media Call on June Medical Services v. Russo

  • White House Press Secretary Holds Briefing

  • U.S. Senate: Sen. Schumer on SCOTUS & Russian Bounties

  • Arizona Gov. Ducey Holds Coronavirus Briefing